Use of Legal Professional Credentials
The University is fortunate to employ many professional staff with advanced degrees, including persons who have earned Juris Doctorate (JDs) or equivalent degrees, such as LLMs and LLBs. Many of our professionals with JDs work in such diverse areas as Gift Development, Research Compliance, Human Resources, Student Affairs, and Environmental Health & Safety, and this guidance is not intended nor should it be construed to minimize the skills, background, and value they bring to their positions and to the University.
In an effort to eliminate confusion on the part of both internal constituents and outside third parties, University professional staff employees should not use their legal academic credentials or other designations (J.D., Esq., etc.) in connection with their official identification (such as business cards, website profiles, e-mail salutations, name plates, or other outward facing displays) in any manner.
For more information regarding the use of legal professional credentials, please see our Guidance on Use of Legal Credentials by Professional Staff. If you have additional questions, please contact our office.